The International Order of Ladies Glades
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Wednesday 8pm at
The Stantonbury Working Men's Club
St James Street
New Bradwell
Milton Keynes MK13 0BJ
Prima Glenda Gregory
95 White Alder
Stacey Bushes
Milton Keynes MK12 6HE
For further information email
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Dame Jean Keehan & Dame Glenda R.W. Gregory
Would like to thank all the Offices of Central Committee for a great ceremony,
All the supporting Sister's from the Willow & Abbey Glade who put in so much effort to make the evening a great success, along with Lynn & Billy Ralph.
All the visitors Sister's & Brother's for a fantastic turn-out, and special thanks for all the presents, and congratulation cards received by both new Dame's.
From the bottom of our hearts,
More about the Glades
then 'click here'

Worthy Grand Prima Dame Glenda R.W. Gregory 2003
Will be drawing her Charity Raffle, for her appeal,
The Children's Ward Milton Keynes General Hospital
on the
17th December
The Stantonbury Social Working Men's Club
St James Street
New Bradwell
Milton Keynes
The North Bucks Province R.A.O.B. G.L.E. would like to wish The Worthy Grand Prima, Dame Glenda, a very happy Birthday on
17th December 2003
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This site is sponsored and maintained by Bro Robin C S Todd ROH PPGP PP Kts Ch.
North Bucks Province RAOB GLE