The Team for 2001
THE GRAND PRIMO Bro. Eric Vivian Herbert. ROH. Initiated into the Hullavington Lodge 8793, Wiltshire Province in 1964, where he gained his Second Degree. Raised to the Third Degree in the King Alfred 3892, Oxford PGL in 1969 and Fourth Degree in Denis Thorne 9290, W.G. No.4 PGL in 1975. PGP of Limassol 1972 and PGP Bangor Province 1988. Examining Council Secretary Limassol 1971. President Examining Council 1987. President Wrekin ROH Assembly 1995. Chairman Midland Social Committee 1998. Served in Royal Air Force for 37 years, retiring as Warrant Officer with Long Service and Good Conduct Medal & Bar. Received Cornmander-in-Chief commendation 1978. Occupation; Corp of Commissionaires Hobbies: Gardening, DIY and Travelling. Investiture: North Wales Conference Centre, Promenade, Llandudno, North Wales,. Saturday, 31st March. |
DEPUTY GRAND PRIMO Christopher McMahan. ROH. Initiated into the Pride of Maltby Lodge No.4801, Rotherham & District Provincial Grand Lodge, where he gained all his Degrees. P.G.P. Rotherham. 1985. P.G. Secretary 1987 to 1994. P.G. Treasurer 1995. P.G. Secretary 1996 to the present day. Knights Chapter President 1989. Examining Council President 1990. ROH Secretary 1998 to present day. Occupation: Assistant Manager Halifax P.L.C. Hobbies/Activities; D.I.Y. and Buffing. Investiture; 7th April. Rawmarsh Leisure Centre, Barbers Ave.,Rawmarsh, Rotherham. Meeting opens 6.pm |
GRAND CHAMBERLAIN Bro. James Hayden Bennett, ROH. Initiated into the Unitas Lodge 6244, Edinburgh & East of Scotland PGL 26th April 1976, where he received all his Degrees. PGP of Edinburgh 1984. President of Edinburgh Examining Council and Knights Chapter 1988 & 1991. PGP Walsall & South Staffs 1996. President of Walsall Examining Council 1999. Occupation:HGV Driver. Hobbies:Motor Sports, Swimming, DIY and Golf (not very well). Works alongside wife in Respite Fostering Care for children with disabilities. Investiture Date: Saturday, 18th August 200 1, at 6.30 pm. Bonser Suite, Walsall Football Club, Bescot Crescent, Walsall, West Midlands.
GRAND TYLER Alan Egan, ROH Initiated into the Black Eagle Lodge, W.G.No.4. on 5th March 1974. Received his Second and Third Degrees in the Viking Lodge 9807, Grand Lodge Direct on 20th October 1975 and 27th November 1978. Exalted to 4th Degree on 27th January 1987 in the Friendly Zeco Lodge No. 8066 W.G.No.6. Held Office of PGP 1988, President ROH Assembly 1988, President Knights Chapter 1989 all in the W.G.No.6. Province. PG. Secretary of Frome & Warminster Province. Served in Royal Corps of Signals from February 1970-March 1992. Occupation: Civil Servant. Hobbies: Family, Reading, Computers and the Internet Investiture Date: 28th July, at the Assembly Hall, Sambourne Road, Warminster, Wiltshire. BA12 8LB. |
GRAND CONSTABLE George William Tildesley, ROH, Initiated in the Three Cities Lodge 8234 W.G. No. 5, on l6th July 1964 where he received his Second Degree l6th September 1965 and Third Degree 29th November 1968. Affiliated to the Harry Challis 8990, North Staffs PGL and was exalted to 4th Degree 26th April 1974. PGP W.G.No.3 1976. President Examining Council 1975, President Knights Chapter 1977. Holds Office of Trustee of Taunton Province. Military Service: 28 years I st Royal Tank Regt. (Warrant Officer 11) Awarded, LSGC, GSM (South Arabia), North. I. Bar and National Service Medal. Occupation: Storeman. Hobbies: Buffs, Ten Pin Bowling and Snooker. Investiture Date: I I th August. Bridgwater & Albion Rugby Club, Bridgwater, Somerset. TA6 4TZ
GRAND REGISTRAR Brother George Johnson ROH., Initiated into the Ludlow Castle Lodge No. 4487, Shrewsbury & District PGL on 13th November 1964. Receiving his 2nd Degree 22nd May 1971, in the Warden Lodge 7935, Hereford PGL, 3rd Degree 10th May 1978, 4th Degree 14th October 1983, both in the Ludlow Castle Lodge 4487. PGP 1984, President Examining Council 1984, Knights Chapter 1998, ROH Assembly 1996, all in the Shrewsbury & District Province. Occupation: Taxi Driver Hobbies: Overseas Travelling and Buffs. Investiture Date: 26th May, 2001. Knighton Corrununity Centre, Knighton, Powys. Mid. Wales. LD7
GRAND ALDERMAN of JUNIPER Thomas McGee, ROH. Initiated 6th June 1980 in the Lubbecke 8453 W. G.No.4 Province. Second Degree in Lotte Kruz 10091 Osnabruck PGL, W.G.No.7,28th November 1983. Third Degree 14th March 1987 in the same Province. Exalted to Fourth Degree 21st July 1992 in the Jack O'Neal 8962, Oxford & District PGL. Held Office of PGP 1987 W.G.No.7, and is PGP of Liverpool 2001. President Ex.C. 1986 WG No.7. President ROH Assembly and Knights Chapter 1997 Liverpool. President Ex.C. 2001 Liverpool. Served 25 years in Royal Corp Transport. Awarded GSK LS & GC Medals. Occupation: Taxi Driver Hobbies: Football, Darts, Bowls and Buffing. Investiture: 30th June, Kirby Suite, Cherryfield Drive, Liverpool 32 |
GRAND ALDERMAN of BENEVOLENCE Peter John Coton ROH. Initiated into Aero Nar 8584 Wisbech PGL on 12th January 1971, where he received his Second Degree on 30th November 1971. The Third Degree on 8th April 1994 and 4th Degree on 6th August 1999 in the Ouse Lodge 7139 Kings Lynn PGL. PGP 1996, PG Treasurer 2000. President Ex.C. 1996, President Knights Chapter 2000, Kings Lynn PGL. Occupation: Logistics Contract Manager. Hobbies: Fund Raising, Buffing and Family. Investiture: 9th June, Lynn Sport & Leisure Park, Green Park Ave. Kings Lynn. Norfolk. |
GRAND MINSTREL William John Mott, ROH. Initiated in the Prestbury Court Lodge No. 9606 in the Gloucester Province, 19th January 1973. Received his Second Degree 3rd April 1974, Third Degree IIth November 1977 and Fourth Degree 22nd April 1983, all in his Mother Lodge. Provincial Grand Primo Gloucester 1984 and has held position of PG. Secretary since 1986. President Exam. Council 1987 and President ROH Assembly 1990. Occupation: Production Manager. Hobbies: Grandchildren, Skittles and R.A.O.B. Investiture: 2lstJuIy200l. Cheltenham Town Hall. |
GRAND WAITER Duncan M. Clark, ROH. Initiated into the Loyal Swan Lodge 9443 W.G. No. 6, on 9th April 1965, where he obtained his Second Degree on 12th November 1965. He received his Third Degree in the Flaming Torch 8602, l3th February 1969 and Fourth Degree on 22nd July 1974 in the Britannia Lodge 8826, both Lodges in W.G. No.6. PGP W.G. No. 6 1974. PGP Derby & Dist 1995. PGP Alfreton 2000. President Ex.C. 1971 (Bielefield & Dist). President Ex.C. 1986 (Derby & Dist). President ROH Assembly 1987 & 1998 (Derby & Dist). Trustee Derby & Dist PGL. Sgt. I st Regt. R.H.A. Served 22 years in Cyprus Germany and U.K. Occupation: Vauxhall Rent Manager Hobbies: Swimming and Golf Investiture: 19th May, Ilkeston Co-op, Royal Regency Banqueting Suite, South Street, Ilkeston, Derbyshire.
Brother J. E. Farrelly, ROH. Immediate Past Grand Primo
Brethren, Grand Lodge at their meeting held on the 2nd. December, 2000 at Cheltenham, unanimously decided to place on record their high appreciation of the services rendered by the retiring Grand Primo, Brother John Farrelly, ROH, during his year of office, to launch an appreciation fund and to invite all Provincial Grand Lodges, Minor Lodges and individual members to contribute. Grand Lodge has decided to head the list with a donation of £900 In a modern, living and developing society such as ours, the work of the Order places new bounds and demands upon the time and resources of our leaders. The year 2000 coming as it does at the end of or the beginning of a new millennium has been no different. Convention for the first time met outside the shores of the United Kingdom, and this alone placed new demands on the time of the Grand Primo.
Many members who would not normally have had the opportunity to see the democratic process of the Order at work, were able to attend Convention and see for themselves how the Order is governed. This placed an enormous responsibility upon the shoulders of the President That he acquitted himself with Honour will be demonstrated by the in-flux of many new personalities at future Conventions and Grand Lodge.
The performance of the many ceremonies and duties in various parts of the world has been conducted with the dignity and ability worthy of his high position and has created a bond of friendship that is a new land-mark in the Brotherhood of Man
Our Immediate Past Grand Primo by his unfailing courtesy and charming manner, ably assisted by his partner, Monica, has won the respect and esteem of all brethren with whom they came into contact throughout their travels.
We would like all Provincial Grand Lodges, Minor Lodges and members to contribute however small, and to show their appreciation for a good and worthy Brother.
We are, Yours fraternally,
Bro. E. Herbert, R.O.H., Grand Primo., Bro. C. McMahon, R.O.H.. Deputy Grand Primo Bro. W. A. C. Hartmann, R.O.H., Grand Secretary
All remittances should he made payable to R.A.O.B. G.L.E. and forwarded to the Grand Secretary, R.A.O.B. G.L.E. Grove House, Skipton Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire. HG1 4LA
Grand Lodge Management Committee, Grand Trustees Grand Treasurer and the Journal Editor |
L to R Standing: A. Patel, Trustee, R. Phillpot, T. Billingham, N. York, S. Harman, R. Peacock, J. Herbert, H. Simpson, S. Bagley & G.N. Hooker, GLMC. L to R Seated: D. Pryer & J. Askey, Grand Trustees, C. McMahon, DGP, E.V. Herbert, G.P., J. Farrelly, IPGP, E. Langton, Grand Treasurer & J. Hook, Journal Editor. |
The Team for 2002
GRAND PRIMO Christopher McMahon. ROH. Initiated into the Pride of Maltby Lodge No.4801, Rotherham & District Provincial Grand Lodge, where he gained all his Degrees. P.G.P. Rotherham. 1985. P.G. Secretary 1987 to 1994. P.G. Treasurer 1995. P.G. Secretary 1996 to the present day. Knights Chapter President 1989. Examining Council President 1990. ROH Secretary 1998 to present day. Occupation: Assistant Manager Halifax P.L.C. Hobbies/Activities; D.I.Y. and Buffing. Investiture; 9th March. Rawmarsh Leisure Centre, Barbers Ave, Rawmarsh, Rotherham. Meeting opens 6.pm |
DEPUTY GRAND PRIMO Barrie David Kingston, ROH, Initiated Tridwr Lodge No. 8699, Cardiff Provincial Grand Lodge, 17th May 1976 and obtained his second and third degrees in the Winston Lodge No. 9501 & his fourth degree in the John Elliott Winston Lodge No. 9501 East Herts Provincial Grand Lodge and was P.G.P. in 1984 served as P.G. Sec., and was P.G.L. Trustee for 10 years. Occupation: Computer Systems Development Manager. Other Activities: Chairman P.T.A. and School Governor. Hobbies: Golf, Motoring and Buffing. Investiture: 13 April, Latton Hall, Latton Bush, Harlow, Essex, starting at 6 p.m. |
GRAND CHAMBERLAIN Keith Illingworth, ROH, Initiated Chiltern Hills Lodge No 9534, Aylesbury Provincial Grand Lodge 27th January 1971, where he received all his degrees. P.G.P. Aylesbury 1978 - P.G.P. High Wycombe 1998 and P.G.L. Trustee 1996 to date. President of High Wycombe, Examining Council 1995 and Knights Chapter President 1997. Occupation: Coach Driver/Manager. Other activities listed member of Overseas Buffaloes Associated since 1976 and was their President 1998-1999 and Trustee since 2001. The only hobby listed is Buffing. Investiture: 8th June at Wycombe Wanderers Football Club, Sands, High Wycombe, Bucks at 6 p.m. |
GRAND TYLER Ronald Arthur Norfolk, ROH. Initiated into the Coronation Lodge No 8564, Dudley & District Provincial Grand Lodge, 27th May 1984, where he received his second and third degree obtaining his fourth degree in the Mabel Lodge No 7741. P.G.P. 1997, P.G. Secretary 1993 to 1999. Examining Council President 1994, President Knights Chapter 1993 and Knight Trustee to present time. Occupation: Shift Clerk, Round Oak Steelworks until 1980. Served in Army, 1st Worcestershire & Sherwood Foresters 1970 to 1977 and was presented GSM N.I.. Hobbies listed as Gardening, Royal British Legion and Buffing. Investiture date: 18th May, Cornbow Hall, Halesowen, 6 p.m. |
GRAND CONSTABLE Terence George Peters, ROH, Initiated Craftsman Lodge No 9284, Osnabruck & District WG No. 7 Provincial Grand Lodge, 20th May 1979, where he also received all his degrees. PG Sec 1982-84, 1987-1992 & P.G.P. Osnabruck 1984. P.G.P. Bielefeld & District W.G. No 6. 1990, P.G. Sec., Crewe & District, P.G.L. 1995 to present date. Also held President of Examining Council 1989, President Knights Chapter & President ROH Assembly Bielefeld & District W.G. No. 6 also President of the Crewe & District PGL Examining Council, 1999, Knights Chapter, 1997, ROH Assembly 1999. Occupation: Self employed plumber/gas fitter. Served for 22 years in No 5 Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards retiring with the rank of Sergeant and was presented with the GSM and N. Ireland clasp. Just to fill in the odd minute of two he is the Secretary of the West End R.A.O.B. Club, Crewe and his hobbies are Buffing and family. Investiture: 27th July, Victoria Leisure Centre, Crewe, starting at 6 p.m. |
GRAND REGISTRAR Henry William Parker, ROH, Initiated into the Dragon Lodge No. 9492, China Provincial Grand Lodge, 11th February 1968 where he also received his second degree. Third degree in Mailed Fist Lodge No 8624 W.G. No 6 and fourth degree The Royal Sussex Lodge No 9766, Darlington & District P.G.L. President Examining Council 1975, Gibraltar Province. In the Canterbury P.G.L he has been P.G.P. 1992 - President Knights Chapter 1986 and 1995, President ROH Assembly, 1983 and is at present P.G.L. Treasurer. Served in the Army for 23 and a half years in "The Buffs" (The Royal East Kent Regiment) later the Queens Regiment. Served in Germany, Aden, Cyprus, Kenya, British Guyana, Canada, Brunei, Hong Kong, Northern Ireland and Gibraltar. Other activities: A member of Kent County Cricket Club. Hobbies: Philately - Toy Maker (Extraordinaire). Investiture: 29th June at the Winter Gardens, Margate, Kent. |
GRAND ALDERMAN of JUNIPER Colin Albert Young, ROH, Initiated Siege of Tobruk Lodge No 8040, GLD, 21st February 1969. Receiving his second degree in the Billy Williams Lodge No 10186, Cardiff P.G.L. and his third and fourth in the City of Cardiff Lodge No. 3737, Cardiff P.G.L. where he was also the P.G.P. 1994, PGL Trustee 1998-2000 and P.G. Secretary 2001 - until present time. Examining Council President 1995, Knights President 1997 also Knights Vice President this year. ROH Assembly President 2001. He has now retired from work and spent some period of time within the Royal Air Force but no further details provided. He has represented U.K. in many countries at wrestling (Amateur) and is an Ex-British Amateur Wrestling Champion. Has served as secretary of the RAOB Fun Day, Weston-super-Mare and chairman South Wales Area Committee 1999. Hobbies: Grand Children, Computers, Fishing & Buffs. Investiture: April 20th, City Hall, Cathay's Park, Cardiff, CF10 3ND starting 6 p.m. |
GRAND ALDERMAN of BENEVOLENCE Duncan Brian Sunley, ROH, Initiated Frank Hargreaves Lodge No 5934, Harrogate and District Provincial Grand Lodge, 13th April 1984 and received all his degrees within this Lodge. P.G.P. 1998 and currently holds position of P.G. Treasurer. Occupation is listed as a self employed joiner. Other interests and several positions held: Secretary of the Claro Sunday Football League, Secretary and Treasurer of the Harrogate & District Football League. Hobbies: Football, Cricket and organising quizzes/raffle's. Investiture: June 22nd the Cairn Hotel, Harrogate starting at 6 p.m.
GRAND MINSTREL John Halliday, Initiated Kenya Lodge No 9257, Rotherham & District Provincial Grand Lodge, 4 June 1962 and obtained his second and third degree in the same Lodge. His fourth degree was in the Canadian Lodge No 9891. Was P.G.P. 1992 and again 2001 and has remained P.G. Trustee since 1990. President Knights Chapter 1988, Present Examining Council 1991 and President ROH Assembly 1999. Occupation retired colliery official and sub safety officer. Hobbies: D.I.Y, Woodwork, Gardening and Buffing. Investiture 25th May Rawmarsh Leisure Centre. |
GRAND WAITER Allan Joseph Barclay, ROH, Initiated Pied Piper Hameln Lodge No. 9168, W.G. No 3, 17th October 1978, second degree Scorpion Lodge No. 8351, W.G. No. 4 P.G.L. Third and fourth degree White Cliffs Lodge No 9993, S.E. Kent P.G.L. where he was also P.G.P. 1994, P.G. Treasurer 1998 to present time, also President Examining Council 1994 & 1997, President ROH Assemble 1995, Knights Chapter President 1988. Occupation listed as Medically Retired but served in the Royal Engineers for 25 years retiring as a SNCO with GSM N.I., Member Institute of Management, National Diploma of Management. Very proud founder member of The Pharos De Dubris Lodge No 10554. Hobbies: Royal Engineers Association, Computers and R.A.O.B. Investiture: 17th August, Winter Gardens, Margate, 6 p.m. |
L to R Standing: Duncan Brian Sunley, John Halliday, Terence George Peters, Colin Albert Young, Keith Illingwo |
The Team for 2003
GRAND PRIMO Brother Barrie David Kingston, ROH, Initiated in the Cardiff Province in 1976
After relocation to the East Herts PGL, he affiliated to the John Elliott Winston Lodge No. 9501 where he obtained all his Degree's. He Became Provincial Grand Primo East Herts in 1984
Occupation: Computer Systems Developement Manager. Hobbies: Buffing, Golf and Motoring. Investiture: 22nd March 2003 at 1800 hrs. Wolsey Hall, Windmill Lane, Cheshunt, Herts. |
DEPUTY GRAND PRIMO Brother Norman George York, ROH, was initiated in the Chichelle Lodge No.9960, Northamtonshire Province in 1974. Affiliated to the New John Peel Lodge 9827 (Northamptonshire) where he received his Second and Third Degrees. His Fourth Degree was awarded in the Chichelle Lodge. PGP Northamptopnshire Province 1989, President of Examining Council 1994 and President of ROH Assembly 1998. Served in Korea and Hong Kong with the 1st Battalion Northamptonshire Regiment. Decorated with the United Nations Peace Keeping Medal.
Occupation: Retired. Hobbies: Garening in small doses, Buffing in bigger doses Investiture: 10th May 2003. Pemberton Centre, H. E. Bates Way, Rushden, Northamptonshire. |
GRAND CHAMBERLAIN Brother Philip Andrew Gratton., ROH. Initiated into the Harbour Lodge No. 4871 Taunton Province in July 1981, receiving all his Degree's in that Lodge. PGP North Devon 2003. PGP Taunton 2000. Held office of President of ROH Assembly, Knights Chapter and Examining Council in North Devon and Taunton Provinces. Taunton PGL Trustee to date. Treasurer to Taunton ROH Assembly, Knights Chapter and Examining Council. Hospital and Sick Visitor, for North Devon Province.
Occupation: Cabinet Maker and Joiner. Hobbies: Buffing, Decorating & making Ceramics & Pipes. Investiture: 26th April 2003 at 6.OOpm Woolacombe Bay Hotel, South Street, Woolacombe, North Devon. EX34 7BN |
GRAND TYLER Brother David Lewis, ROH. Initiated into the George T. Mason Lodge No.2129, Manchester Province 22nd February 1976, where he gained the Second and Third Degree's. He was Exalted to Fourth Degree in the Peter Evans Lodge 10530 North East Cheshire Province in 1999. PGP in 1997. PG Secretary 1997 to date. President Ex. Council 1998. President Knights Chapter 1995. Founder member of Peter Evans Lodge 10530 in 1992.
Occupation: Warehouse Manager-Supplying blood test kits to both NHS and private Laboratories. Hobbies: Family and Buffing. Investiture: 9th August 2003 at 6pm. The Britannia Hotel, Dialstone Lane, Stockport. |
GRAND CONSTABLE Bro. John William Brogan, ROH. Initiated into the Chelmsley Lodge 9809 Warwickshire Province in August 1979, where he received his 1st 2nd and 3rd Degree's. He was Exalted to the Fourth Degree in the Hand of Friendship Lodge 4556 in December 1989. PGP Warwickshire 1997. President Ex. Council 1998, President Knights Chapter 1993, President Benevolent Committee 1997 and Province Funeral Marshall from 1991 to the present date.
Occupation: L. G. V. Driver Military Service: 10 years 1st Bn. Para Regiment, 'P' coy. Decorations: GSM Saudi Arabia. GSM Nth. lreland Hobbies: Buffing. Investiture: 28th June, 2003 at Birmingham United Services Club, Gough Street, Birmingham. |
GRAND REGISTRAR Bro. Harry Charles Drennan, ROH. Initiated into the Imperial Lodge 7510 Singapore Province in February 1965, where he received his 2nd Degree in 1973. His Third and Fourth Degree's were attained in the Whitley Bay Village Lodge No.1188 in the Whitley Bay Province. PGP 1992. Asst. PG.Sec.1993-95 prior to taking over as PG. Secretary, a position held to date. President Ex. C. 1994, President ROH Assembly 2001 & ROH Trustee.
Occupation: Aircraft Engineer (retired) Military: 12 years Royal Air Force completed service. Service 3 years service with Uganda Police as Asst. Superintendent. 3 years service with Singapore Armed Forces. Served at various levels in Scout Association Worldwide Awarded Scout Association Long Service Medal Hobbies: Buffs, Computer Groups, Travelling Investiture: 5th April 2003. The Park Hotel, Tynemouth at 6pm. |
GRAND ALDERMAN of JUNIPER Bro. Malcolm George Mardon, ROH. Initiated in the Merlin Lodge No.1665 in August 1979 where he gained all his Degree's. Provincial Grand Primo 1988, President Examining Council 1991, Knights President 1992 and ROH President 1994. Provincial Grand Secretary and Secretary of South Wales Provinces Social Committee.
Occupation: Retired. Hobbies: Grandchildren, Buffing and Coin Collecting Investiture: 19th July 2003. LIantrisant Leisure Centre, Talbot Green. Pontyclun |
GRAND ALDERMAN of BENEVOLENCE Bro. John William Pritchard ROH. Initiated in the Egdon Lodge No, 5091 of the Worcestershire Province in July 1977. His Second, Third and Fourth Degree's were all gained in his Mother Lodge. Provincial Grand Primo 1986. President Examining Council 1996. Co-Editor of Worcestershire Province Journal.
Occupation: Technical Liaison Officer (Worcester Bosch) Hobbies: Buffs - Football (Worcester City) - Family Investiture: 17th May2003 at 6pm. Kidderminster Town Hall. |
GRAND MINSTREL Bro. John Malcolm Winnicott, ROH. Initiated into the Thomas Binns Lodge No. 8314 of the Stockton & District Province on 3rd March 1977, where he received the Second, Third and Fourth Degree's. He attained office's of PGP and President Examining Council in 1994. Holds office of PG Secretary from 1993 to the present time.
OccupatIon: Computer Software Engineer (retired). Hobbles: D.l.Y., Gardening and Buffing. Accredited Representative of A.C.T.S. Local & National for some 20 years within I.C.I Investiture: 21st June 2003. Billingham Arms Hotel, The Causeway, Billingham. |
GRAND WAITER Bro. Peter Jarvis, ROH. Initiated in the Delves Lodge 8194 WalsalI & South Staffs PGL in November 1966. Inducted to Second Degree in the Beechs Lodge 7910, Warwickshire Province. Third and Fourth Degree~s were attained in Ciwydian Lodge 975 Rhyl Province. PGP 1980, President of Ex. Council 1982, President Knights Chapter 1978 and again in 1995. President ROH Assembly 1983.
Occupation: Self employed from 1969 to present day as a collector for Littlewoods Pools. Hobbies: Wine and Beer making, Listening to Classical and Jazz records of the 50's, 60's, & 70's music. Investiture: 16th August, 2003 at 6pm. Rhyl Town Hall, Wellington Road, Rhyl. |
L to R Standing: Malcolm George Mardon, Peter Jarvis, John William Pritchard, Harry Charles Drennan & John Malcolm Winnicott L to R Seated: John William Brogan, David Lewis, Barrie David Kingston, Norman George York & Philip Andrew Gratton | | |