There are a number of Sections or Banners of the R.A.O.B. and while they differ in numerical strength and procedures, all have the same purpose, often freely and aptly described as * The pursuit of Brotherhood.*
Our conception of Brotherhood is based firmly on the family principle, that the total power and strength of the family shall be available to the individual in accordance with his need, but the point must be made at once, that the degree to which needs can be met depends entirely on the loyalty to that principle of each member of the family, YOU and I.
Administratively we are a three tier organisation. Minor Lodge, Provincial Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge. There are four Degrees or rank of membership.1st.( Brother) 2nd.( Primo) 3rd.(Knight of Merit ) 4th. ( Right Honourable )
Membership of a Lodge of the Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes is open to all adult males without distinction as to social position, religious faiths, race or political beliefs.
Before a candidate is accepted, he has to convince the members of the Lodge in which his application is made that he is a loyal citizen and that he is genuinely desirous of taking part in our work. On the basis of giving to the extent of his power, in cash or in service, whatever is required to meet the needs of a less fortunate Brother or the dependant widow and children of a deceased Brother.